Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pink Series Words

Devon is able to use the movable alphabet to create pink series words (CVC) with high accuracy, so one of the next steps was to move to pink series sentences.

Geography and George Washington


Using the Montessori 3-part cards as a spring board we began with the Earth and its four layers. Next I created 3-part cards for the 7 continents and we worked these two times before we used the atlas to locate each continent using USBORNE Children's Picture Atlas. Several Days later we read My America an My World and George Washington to prepare for our trip to Mt.Vernon.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vision Therpy

Block Patterns
Before you start this with your child, prepare by using three blocks to create the outline/perimeter of the new shape on paper (do this 5-8 times). When you are ready to start the exercise, ask the child to create the shape using the blocks provided to the side or bottom...NOT on top. I used a clear plastic frame to build on, but you can use a pyrex glass dish. After the child thinks he/she has the correct pairing of blocks, move the build shape on top of the outline and "check" to she if the newly created shape is a match. Once 3 blocks are mastered, create a new challenges with four blocks.

Eye Control-AKA- tracking

Using a Popsicle stick with cute sticker on the end make a magic wand. The first week, with the child facing you and keeping his/her head STRAIGHT magic wand move it to the far left and count to 5. Move the wand to the right and count to 5, again make sure the head and body is straight. Move the wand above the head, count to 5 and then below the head and count to 5. Repeat 3 times for a complete cycle.

Writing on the BACK
Step1: Have the child sit so that another person may "write" using his/her finger on the child's back. The child then writes on a chalk or dry erase board. Begin with shapes.

example 1

Parent: draws a square

child: draws a square on a white board

example 2
Parent: draws a circle
child:draw a triangle on the white board
Parent: "We need to redraw that one." Parent redraws until child has the shape correctly.

Step 2:
Have the child sit so that another person may "write" using his/her finger on the child's back. The child visually writes the shape on the "mental board." Begin with shapes. Have the child tell you the name of the shape.

Step 3:
Have the child sit so that another person may "write" using his/her finger on the child's back. The child visually writes the shape on the "mental board." Begin with short words.

Parent: writes "c"
child: answers "c"
Parent: writes "a" and continues to write it until the child says "a"
child: says "a"
Parent: asks, "What was the first letter?"
child: answers "c"
Parent: asks, "what was the second letter?"
child: answers "a"
Parent: draws the last letter "t"
child: says "t"
Parent: asks, "so the first letter was?"
child: "c"
Parent: asks, "and the second letter was"
child: "a"
Parent: asks, "the last letter was"
child: "t"
Parent: asks, "what does that spell?"
child: "cat"

Picture Array

Using picture cards place three in a row. (The cards in picture are eBoo Alphabet Phonics Cards.) Direct the child to make a picture in his/her head of the cards. Tell him/her that you will be asking which one is first, second, and third. Sing the ABC's or Happy Birthday song and then cover the pictures. Ask, "What was first?" What for the answer and then ask, "What was second? What was third/last?" After the child has the three in a row add another card to the end and sing and then cover. Ask the questions again. The next step would be to add another row of four and do the sequencing of them. I think I would use the memory game cards for this step.

Pins and Quilting Needles

This was an activity at the preschool my oldest attended.

It is for fine motor skills and prewriting skills. All you need is a tray (dollar store), quilting pins (Walmart), and a shaker. I keep this activity out ONLY when I am around. I don't want any needles on the floor.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Montessori Workplan for Grade 1

While on Montessori for Everyone's website, I cam across a Workplan for Grade 1 for the month of September. Here is the link to the plan below:

I wanted to update myself with the some of the material, so I have linked information under the plan. Click on the link above to see the full plan.
September Workplan: Grade 1

Mathematics Activities:

___Addition Tables

___Snake Game - Search for Ten

Pink List, Movable Alphabet, and Worksheets

We are using A Beka's K Letter's and Sounds, which are similar to the Montessori pink list words (see link 1 for a FREE printable set). The words are made up of CVC.
On the A Beka's worksheet the child is given a picture and the C and two V's to choose from to make the word match the picture. For example, a picture of a man and the word "m__n" and the choice of two vowels. Devon had great success with this until she was asked to do it without the picture. Here is where I decided to use the movable alphabet. In the picture above, we build the word "v__n." The purple stripe was there to hold the place for the vowel. This worked much better than the worksheet. I will do this lesson with Devon several more times and each time do less assistance, until she can do it on her own.
Link for A Becka


Montessori Nomenclature cards are often used for building vocabulary and concepts in all subject areas. Also known as 3-part cards, this material is made up of pictures and labels.

These cards are Kitchen Nomenclature and are available FREE at the link below.

The simplicity of the material is in the picture of an object and its name. They can be used with non-readers as the Montessori children are able to match up the letters on the labels and figure out which label goes with which picture.

Nomenclature cards use control cards as a built in control of error. This way, children are able to self-correct without interference from the parent/teacher.

1. Set up the control card (card with the picture and labeled with its word) in veritcal rows with space for the picture card. I did this with Devon for the first couple of times to "get our work ready."

2. Next match the picture to the picture then the word to the word.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Egg Collecting

Collecting Eggs from our chickens has turned into a Math and "day of the week lesson." Each day Devon collects and counts the eggs and then colors the egg the color that matches the day of the week.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Art: Color Mixing

First I drew a triangle with a circle at each of the three points. I gave each child only one color at a time and asked them to place only one color in each circle. We washed the brush in between each color.

Then I took a paint brush and dotted each of the colors (equal parts) on the side of the triangle and ask Devon to mix them. She was surprised to see what she colors she created.

Next she "added" the colors together. For example, blue+blue+red=purple. Lastly she painted sunflowers. She wanted to have green, so we had to review our mixing lesson again.

Caroline's abstract art. She did start with the same triangle as Devon. Yes, she is nude. I she would not wear her apron. It is easier to wash her than the clothes.Lastly, in Devon's finished work. I did paint some of the picture with her. I demonstrated how to hold the brush and the proper pressure.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Using fruit Devon found the beginning sounds of the colors and then we worked together on the rest.

Sorting Beets

In our garden we grew beets. The recipe to can the beets said to sort them by size. This was a perfect activity for Devon on size comparison. After she sorted them, I put the larger beets on the bottom of the pan and we talked about why bigger beets would take longer to cook. Perfect lesson.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Movable Alphabet with Pet Shop

Today to begin the lesson I asked Devon to get 10 of her Little Pet Shop and bring them to the den. I only wanted to get the beginning sounds, but she really wanted the whole word. I helped her with some, but rabbit for example I left alone.

Word Families

We are using Hooked on Phonics and Starfall. I think I will use the movable alphabet tomorrow for at word family lesson. She needs to hear and touch the letters to make them make sense.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Feeding the dogs has turned into a counting lesson. Three Scoops, and we both count 1, 2, 3. Sometimes, Caroline turns to me and says, "one more puppy soup."
Herminoe is pictured waiting for her food, while Harry has the good enough sense to wait outside the pantry until Caroline is finished her work.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Alphabet Recognition

Alphabet Recognition

Upper Case-
not idenified-I

Lower Case-
not idenified- w, g (sound...but not the name)

Now that we are have the sounds for all the ABC's and missing very little alphabet recognition....we are moving on to recalling.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Word Find

Devon was given several words written on cardstock and her new camera. She had to find the word and take a picutre of it with its label: hat, man, and mat are shown.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Buckets of Fun

Recently, I have visited the grocery stores and acquired icing buckets for various usages. They come to me covered in caked on icing, so I fill them with warm water and soap and Caroline has a great time with cups and scrubbing tools. She thinks it is fun and I don't have to scrub the buckets so hard.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Telling Time

I bought this clock for 97 cents and pulled it out of the closet today to show clockwise motion and to look at the size of the different hands. A Becka K Math introduces the clock with the numbers, so we have done number 1 and 2 and seen 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock displayed. This was a great 5 minute activity and I now have the clock in the learning space.

Making bracelets

Devon explain her pattern and ideas. This try will be kept in the learning environment, so she may make them when she chooses. I also bought ABC beads for this project and Devon had to find the letter's of her name in a maze of letters that weren't all facing the correct direction.

The finished product

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Devon's Learning Enviroment

After reading this blog I created this Learning Environment for Devon. The movable alphabet is paired with the red drawer pink series movable alphabet work (available at Lowe's hardware store). In the bottom of that cabinet is puzzle work.

In the four square cabinet is "sand paper letters," practical life shoe tying, and five games. The games are mostly self correcting. These are our "breaks." On the top of this shelf is a lace card, A Becka K "I Can Read Books," "Bob Series Books," Pink Series reading list (I only have one out at this time), and A Becka ABC flash cards.

I choose to add the alphabet to the room as Devon still needs a lot of visual aids.

Starting Abecka

We began the K abeka program and so far Devon likes it. We are doing Abecka math, Letters and Sounds, and writing with Phonics. This is to get her used to the materials for first grade. I am still using other methods, besides rote learning. I feel this homeschooling experience needs it own "method" for lack of a better word.

Movable Alphabet

This is three of the five words in the box. I have 12 boxes with five CVC word from that I printed for FREE!
When Devon is finished her work she takes a picture of it. As you can see, she included her cute toes.

Making Bread

Devon helped to hand grind the wheat for our whole wheat pizza for dinner. For the recipe We talked about the process of wheat. I am grateful that this mill is dual purpose: it has a hand crank and the motor will be here in August.

Accokeek Colonial Farm

Devon watering plants with a gourd.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"I don't Believe you"

Craig told Devon a joke and she went and got a piece of paper and asked him how to spell "I don't beleive you" She added BoBoB ...AKA "BOO " and her name...I did the cabbage-patch dance when I found this!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Caroline Sorts

Caroline loves playing the "big girl" games. This game can be played three ways and the first level is just right for Caroline--matching. Devon uses the same game to sort the items into categories. Of course, Caroline needs a snack when she plays.

Sticker and Number Puzzles

These are great quiet activities that require number work!

Letters and Sounds

Devon likes her worksheets so much, she is creating her own for me to do.

Alphabet Recognition

Alphabet Recognition

Upper Case- 92%
idenified all but--Y, I (this is new)

Lower Case- 46%
not idenified- y, z, d, b, a, t, g, h, e, f, k, q
I really think she was frustrated...I will try again in a day or two

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sticker Book

This was interesting work. You have to identify the shape and then find it in the back of the book. It was challenging, but great for shape and spacial awareness.

Handwriting without Tears

We are using this program also to identify our ABC in upper case. We used the cards to build the letter with the wooden pieces and then she used the magnetic board to write the letters.

She is so happy to take pictures :)

Starfall Website

This site is SUPER! Devon will do the site for her uppercase letters today. Devon loved it! She wanted t o extra!

Alphabet Recognition

Alphabet Recognition

Upper Case- 80%
idenified all but--Y, T, R, Q, K

Lower Case- 38%
a, k, l, i, h, g, t, r, q, n

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Workbooks and Sounds

We are using workbooks for sounds. She loves the repetitive work-go figure! Today she did 80% correct! The expo markers work great. This was a guided lesson. I did a lot of the sounds and said them into her hand so she could feel the difference in air flow and it seemed to work. After several pages, I said we could go the rest later and she said no I want to do more! LOVE IT!

Snackable Ideas

Take items out of large bags and place into smaller containers for little hands to get snacks for his/herself. The containers are placed in a drawer so the kids can help their self.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Valentine's Day Cards

Step One:
Picking a Theme-Catch the Love Bug

Step Two:
Where is your child? Devon really had a hard time copying her friends names from the list, so I first tried to only show one name at a time. She was still frustrated. That evening my husband came up with the idea to do "light box" tracing. So I got online and used this site for all the friends names. Devon was then able to copy the names using the light box. Devon did no more than 5 cards per time. It was GREAT! Now it is time to assembly!

Step Three-
Assembly the card to "fancy paper" and add stickers, stamps, or whatever you want to.

Step Four-attach the bug catcher!