Thursday, March 22, 2012

Egg Sort

By chance, I found a bag of three different sizes of eggs. Then I made three labels: small, medium, and large on card stock. Caroline and I sorted a couple of eggs together and then she decided, "I do it myself."

Once she finished her sort, we wrote our findings in her journal. So I drew three columns and labeled them: small, medium, and large, and then I drew the number of eggs in each of the columns and wrote the number of eggs. Caroline then colored the eggs in and traced the numbers.

Her journal work changes everyday. She is so happy to have it! On Saturday and Sunday, she asks to do "her work."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Plastic Easter Eggs

From various blogs, I saw many different ways to use plastic Easter Eggs. I wrote Caroline's name on the plastic egg with the capital letter on top and the lower case on the bottom. I opened the carton and we looked at the eggs. Then I took them all apart and she had to match the capital and lower case letters. Also, "F" and "B" we added to the carton. She was really upset that she was missing two eggs, so the next lesson, I will add "S" and "P."