Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cutting up Fun! Scissor Work

Cutting up fun with paper! Caroline LOVES to to cut with scissors. However to avoid unintentional haircuts, this work can only be done when mommy can supervise. To prepare the environment, I drew lines on the colored paper construction paper and then cut the paper into 1- inch wide strips. Then I gave Caroline the lined 1-inch strips of paper and scissors. After we cut the paper into various shapes, Caroline used them to create abstract art work.

Cutting Practice Printable:

Cutting Work: Take Two
I love Montessori Print Shop and Montessori for Everyone. These cutting strips (pictured below) are FREE and printable from Montessori Print Shop. After Caroline cut them into squares we pasted them on to card stock and they are now being mailed and delivered to "special" people.


  1. so does this mean you are homeschooling the kids and not doing the public school route?
