Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"I don't Believe you"

Craig told Devon a joke and she went and got a piece of paper and asked him how to spell "I don't beleive you" She added BoBoB ...AKA "BOO " and her name...I did the cabbage-patch dance when I found this!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Caroline Sorts

Caroline loves playing the "big girl" games. This game can be played three ways and the first level is just right for Caroline--matching. Devon uses the same game to sort the items into categories. Of course, Caroline needs a snack when she plays.

Sticker and Number Puzzles

These are great quiet activities that require number work!

Letters and Sounds

Devon likes her worksheets so much, she is creating her own for me to do.

Alphabet Recognition

Alphabet Recognition

Upper Case- 92%
idenified all but--Y, I (this is new)

Lower Case- 46%
not idenified- y, z, d, b, a, t, g, h, e, f, k, q
I really think she was frustrated...I will try again in a day or two

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sticker Book

This was interesting work. You have to identify the shape and then find it in the back of the book. It was challenging, but great for shape and spacial awareness.

Handwriting without Tears

We are using this program also to identify our ABC in upper case. We used the cards to build the letter with the wooden pieces and then she used the magnetic board to write the letters.

She is so happy to take pictures :)

Starfall Website

This site is SUPER! Devon will do the site for her uppercase letters today. Devon loved it! She wanted t o extra!

Alphabet Recognition

Alphabet Recognition

Upper Case- 80%
idenified all but--Y, T, R, Q, K

Lower Case- 38%
a, k, l, i, h, g, t, r, q, n