Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Place in God's Universe

My place in God's Universe was a project that Devon created at her homeschooling coop in Social Studies.  The first and largest folder is a manilla file folder.  One side has artwork and the title, "My Place in God's Universe."  The other side has a piece of black construction paper with glitter and glue labeled "I live in the Milky Way galaxy."  The entire folder was then reenforced with packing tape.

The second folder, which was cut smaller than the first  was made out of thick card-stock.  One side has  the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and the Earth all made of paper and glued in the correct order.

 The other side of the second folder continues with the solar system information and has "I live on a planet, third in line, in  a solar system with planets nine" written in Devon's hand.  Two additional pictures were glued onto this side.

The third folder, focuses on planet Earth.  This is a completed color the Continents page.

 On the opposite side, "Our home from birth our planet Earth" is written and artwork is added.

The folders are getting smaller in size, this folder focus is on the continent of North America.   This map is another "follow the instructions" to color map.

On the flip side, Devon wrote, "Seven continents God did give North America is where I live!"

The fifth pocket focuses on the United States.

The tutor printed these and Devon glued.

The sixth folder, focus was on Maryland.

The seventh focused on the county and home address was listed on the back.

The final piece is a picture of Devon and her family.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Egg Sort

By chance, I found a bag of three different sizes of eggs. Then I made three labels: small, medium, and large on card stock. Caroline and I sorted a couple of eggs together and then she decided, "I do it myself."

Once she finished her sort, we wrote our findings in her journal. So I drew three columns and labeled them: small, medium, and large, and then I drew the number of eggs in each of the columns and wrote the number of eggs. Caroline then colored the eggs in and traced the numbers.

Her journal work changes everyday. She is so happy to have it! On Saturday and Sunday, she asks to do "her work."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Plastic Easter Eggs

From various blogs, I saw many different ways to use plastic Easter Eggs. I wrote Caroline's name on the plastic egg with the capital letter on top and the lower case on the bottom. I opened the carton and we looked at the eggs. Then I took them all apart and she had to match the capital and lower case letters. Also, "F" and "B" we added to the carton. She was really upset that she was missing two eggs, so the next lesson, I will add "S" and "P."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


The season of Lent is a time to embrase what is means to be a Christian. This morning the kids and I made it to mass for Ash Wednesday. Devon is really into her book of Common Prayer and trying to understand how to use it in the services.

After the service, we watched a Holy Heros video. The kids enjoyed the video, because it is produced by kids.

Next, we made Lent Calendars for coloring one day at a time for the 40 days from for each child.

From Catholic Icing, I found the idea of resurrection eggs. You place together items and read the bible verse that goes with that item.

Here are some other great ideas
Easter Cookies: make these the night before Easter. The recipe has a story to go along with it.

FYI-from reading this blog, you may think I am Catholic, however we are and an Anglican family.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Letter Recognition

Caroline has started to ask, "How do I draw you name? How do I draw sister's name?" and so forth. So, I got her her own homework book, "Get Ready for the Code: Book A." This book starts with the letter "F." We are not "running" through the book, but using as a guide to do other fun activities. The picture below of the letter "f" comes from an activity found on MamaJenn.

This is another "f" made from foam stickers.

Other great sites:


Caroline loves to put together puzzles. She is able to complete 24-piece puzzles independently and she is so proud.

Playdoughs Mats

Homeschool Creations has FREE printable play dough mats for learning the numbers and its amounts. This is grape playdough made with Kool Aide and the recipe is found on this site.

Fine Motor Skills and Montessori

Fine Motor Skills and Montessori
This is one activity to increase fine motor skills. The tongs are sugar tongs, the tray is a kiddie food tray, beads are pony beads, and the star and fish are soap holders flipped over.

You can see Caroline is enjoying her work! Once she had finished placing the pony beads onto the star and fish, she must place all the beads back into the container and return the tray to its place.
Publish Post

Saturday, February 4, 2012


A contraction is a shortened form of one or two words (one of which is usually a verb). In a contraction, an apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter or letters.

Songs and Videos for learning contractions:
Ms. Jenny's Contraction song

Contaction Cards to play matching or memory.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Snow, Snow, and yes FUN!

This year we haven't had the snow fall of years past, but just enough to enjoy it. Luckily, we had ice the day before, so the snow landed on frozen grass.

Before the snow came we read, "Snowy Day" and completed activities from Homeschool Creations. The next day we sequenced our story, after an another reading.

Here are two Montessori Inspired trays from MontessoriMOMents.

We also made these cool snowflakes from delia creates. Although, I used yellow pipe cleaner and they looked like the dog got to the snowflake.
Boiling hot water - enough to fill your 6 pint sized mason jar
1/3 cup borax - you can find this in the laundry aisle.

pint mason jar
WHITE pipe cleaners

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Plural Nouns

WOW, there are a lot of rules about plural nouns! Six rules to be exact. I have put together some help to guide us though the SIX RULES of plural nouns.

What is a noun? By Mr. Thorne
First---let's see what does singular and plural mean? youtube and another by Mr.Thorne

Another YouTube video about plural and singlar nouns. I would not watch the entire video. Simply STOP or fast forward the video until you go over that rule.

This is the pdf file is were I found the following six rules of changing a singular noun to a plural noun. This is another resourceful site.

Rule #1 The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding s to a singular noun.
Example: lamp, lamps

Rule #2 Nouns ending in s, z, x, ss, sh, and ch form the plural by adding es.
Example: dress, dresses; fox, foxes
Rule #3 Nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant is formed into a plural by changing
y to ies. Example: family, families; lady, ladies; fairy, fairies

Rule #4 Nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel form their plurals by adding s.
Example: boy, boys; day, day

Rule #5
Most nouns ending in o preceded by a consonant is formed into a plural by
adding es. Example: hero; heroes

Rule #6
Some nouns ending in f or fe are made plural by changing f or fe to ves.
Example: beef, beeves; wife, wive
Of course, we are talking about english grammer, so there are always EXCEPTIONS to the rules.
Once you know the rules here are several online games to play.